Samsung Galaxy Note 2 GT-N7100 received the Jelly Bean update just today. The new update to Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean firmware has brought a lot of new features and improvements to the device. If you have already upgraded to the new firmware on your Note 2 and wish to extend its capabilities by rooting your device and installing ClockworkMod recovery on it, you are just at the right place. If your Galaxy Note 2 does not have the official Android 4.1.2 firmware, flash it manually: Download
Rooting an Android phone has many advantages. Having rooted you Note 2, you will be able to install a lot of useful apps that require root permissions. If CWM Recovery is installed on your device, you will be able to flash your favorite custom ROM, a mod or patch very easily.
Please note that rooting your Galaxy Note 2 will void its warranty. Moreover, the procedure might prove risky if not performed carefully. Proceed only if you are sure what it is all about.
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Jelly Bean Firmwares
Rooting Galaxy Note 2 on Android 4.1.2:
If you have ever flashed an insecure kernel or a stock firmware using Odin, the method given here might seem very easy and familiar to you. It is very much the same procedure except for a few differences.
- Download the firmware CF-Auto-Root-t03g-t03gxx-gtn7100.zip and extract it with a zip archiver. Inside the extracted folder, you will find .tar file inside.
- Download Odin3_v3.04.zip and extract it to your desktop.
- Download and install Samsung USB Drivers on your computer if you have not installed it yet.
- Charge you Note 2 to 70% battery level at least.
- Backup your contacts, call-logs, messages, APNs, bookmarks, calendar, apps & games using these nice free apps.
- Turn on USB Debugging from Settings> Developer options
- Turn off your phone and boot it into Download/Odin Mode: press and hold Volume Down + Home + Power keys simultaneously till you see a screen that prompts you to press the Volume Up key to continue to Download mode.
- Now open the Odin folder that you downloaded in Step 2 and run the .exe file present there.
- When the Odin is launched, connect your Galaxy Note 2 to the computer via USB cable and wait till the ID:COM box at Odin turns light green. It shows that your device has been detected by the program.
- Make sure that only F. Reset Time and Auto Reboot boxes are checked on Odin. Do NOT check any other item.
- Now click on the PDA button and select the CF-Auto-Root-t03g-t03gxx-gtn7100.zip.tar file.
- Take a deep sigh and click on the Start button on Odin to start the installation. It might take about 5-8 minutes for the installation to finish.
- Finally, you will get a PASS! message on the ID:COM box and then you device will reboot automatically.
- Your device will reboot and it will be rooted on Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean firmware. Cheers!
Installing CWM Recovery:
When your Note 2 GT-N7100 is rooted, turn it off again and boot it into Download Mode. Then follow the steps given above but this time when you click PDA button, select CWM_RecoveryTOUCH_v6.0.3.0_N7100.tar file. All the steps are the same.
CWM_RecoveryTOUCH_v6.0.3.0_N7100.zip does not contain a .tar file ??
what to do ??
it contains a .img file when extracted
I have samsung note 2 and previously it was JB 4.1.1 what i did is i updated in to 4.3 not in my handset no netwwork if i re install JB 4.1.1 whill able to call from my moble
pls some body suggest i am from india and samsung servie centre is telling me that mother board is gone and that has to be re placeed
pls some one suggest…..
Yes the file is right. When you extract CWM_RecoveryTOUCH_v6.0.3.0_N7100.zip, you will get the file with .tar extension.
Hi Rakesh, I have recently rooted my note gt-n7000 with philz kernel. As mentioned by you “Rooting and installing PhilZ Kernel with CWM Touch Recovery zip via stock recovery” in your other blog https://www.droidviews.com/root-samsung-galaxy-note-gt-n7000-on-android-4-1-2-jelly-bean-firmware/
And then I installed carbon rom. I am impressed by its performance and now want to root my note 2 gt-7100. But I see there is no simpler way for rooting note2. I am not not comfortable with odin. Please suggest if you have any similar solutions for rooting note2 easily by stock recovery.
Here is another root tool: https://www.droidviews.com/root-a-long-list-of-devices-with-just-one-click-via-framaroot/
What makes you feel uncomfortable with Odin, by the way.
Thanks for quick reply. Will I be then able to install phoenix rom post rooting with this method?
That will only root your phone. You will still have to install CWM. Install Goo manager from Play Store and it will install TWRP.