Custom ROMs and mods are the most beautiful things about Android. And while most Android smartphones owners might feel happy because of the plethora of development activity around them, the tablet devices are not that lucky (Nexus 7 & 10 are exceptions). Despite of their popularity, they have not been able to drag the attention of our developers towards them.
The Galaxy Note 10.1 range of tablets devices from Samsung are one of the best selling gadgets on the planet but if you search for a good custom ROM for them, you might end in a void. The desolate scenario, however, is now changing as we can now see some greenery. One of the best custom ROMs for Samsung Galaxy devices has now hit our Galaxy Note 10.1 and its variants. The Omega ROM is available for these models of the device: GT-N8000, N8010 and N8013.
I have always been a fan of the Omega ROM and have been already enjoying it on my S2 and S3. If you have got bored of looking at the same UI of your Note 10.1 and want some change, this is a high time to switch to a custom ROM that is more stable in performance, faster in response and better in battery life.
The first difference that you’ll notice after installing the Omega ROM on your Galaxy Note 10.1 is the dark user interface instead of the stock light one. The developer has removed all bloatware (seldom used apps) and cleaned all unnecessary system files that eat RAM and make device slow and laggy. There is an app called Omega Settings for customization of device and setting toggles.
Omega is the best options for a custom ROM out of a few custom ROMs available for Galaxy Note 10.1. It is based on the Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean firmware released by Samsung for the device but its takes away all rubbish from it and adds a lot of new features that you would not have seen on the stock firmware.
Feature of Omega ROM for Galaxy Note 10.1:
The Omega ROM is a performance oriented and feature-stuffed treat. The ROM is installed via Aroma installer which stands you in a position where you can choose what you want to install on your device. You get all options during installation. Here are some of its features-
- Support for N8000 + N8010 + N8013
- efs (IMEI) Backup option
- Omegadroid Walk Bootanimation
- Omega Files app
- Omega Settings app
- Option to flash any bloat or app later
- Google apps from Android 4.2
- Keyboard Android with Gesture Typing from Android 4.2
- Omegas add-on applications: Es File Explorer, Hide It Pro, ZArchiver, Adfree etc.
- Flash player Support
- SPenBoard Switcher
- Multi-Window Manager
- Samsung’s Task Manager Shortcut apps
- All supported languages enabled
- Battery % mod
- Omega Settings app: Ink Effect on-off, Choose any color for ink effect, Auto Recording options with on-off, Set End Call delay, Blocking mode
- Shutdown Animation
- Smaller Multi-Window Buttons
- Deodexed + Rooted + Zipaligned
- Lots more…
The above list should be more than enough to give you a sneak peek into what the Omega ROM has to offer and how it can make your smart tablet even smarter.
Download the latest Omega ROM for Galaxy Note 10.1: Link
Please note that the ROM supports the 3 variants of the device with model number GT-N8000, GT-N8010, and GT-N8013. The same ROM file can be flashed all three models.
Though the procedure described below has been tested and found working, it’s our duty to warn you that it is not risk-free if you make a mistake. It’s safe as long as you are careful. Stick to the rules and you’ll land safely. Neither Indie, the developer, nor DroidViews should be held responsible for any mishap. Proceed only if you agree to the terms and understand what it is all about.
Root Your Galaxy Note 10.1 First:
To be able to install a custom ROM on your device you need to do 2 things first: root it and install a custom recovery like ClockworkMod recovery on it. If you have not yet rooted your Note 10.1 yet, head over to our Rooting Tutorial for the device.
How to Install Custom ROMs on Galaxy Note 10.1:
If you are ready to experience some sense of adventure, here is how you can install any custom ROM on your Galaxy Note 10.1.
- Download the ROM file in zip (do not extract) and copy it to your Note 10.1 by connecting it to the computer via a USB cable.
- Charge your device to have at least 70% battery juice.
- Backup all important data such as contacts, call log, messages, apps, etc. using these free apps.
- Open Settings> Developer options and turn on USB Debugging.
Having ensured the above preparatory steps, let’s now install the ROM. Just follow the steps given below and you are good to go:
- Turn off your device and boot it into CWM Recovery mode. You can do this easily by using the following apps, or manually as follows. Press and hold Volume Down + Power keys simultaneously till the screen turns up and Samsung logo with device model name blinks for two times. Then release the power key but keep the Volume Down key pressed till you see 2 icons. Use Volume Down key to navigate between the icons, highlight the left icon and press Volume Up to select it. In the recovery mode use the volume keys to scroll the list or highlight an option and the Power key to select it.
- The first thing that you should do after entering the recovery is to backup your current ROM so that you might restore it later any time you want. Scroll to “backup and restore” and backup the ROM (preferably to external SD card).
- Now go back and “wipe data/factory reset” , then “wipe cache partition”.
- After that, go to “advanced” and “wipe dalvik cache”.
- Return to main menu in recovery using “+++go back+++” option and select “install zip from sdcard> choose zip from sdcard” and select the ROM file from the location where you copied it.
- Confirm your choice by selecting “yes”. This will launch the Aroma installer where you will be asked to make selections according to your preferences. On the final screen you will see reboot option. Tap it.
- In case, you are installing a ROM that does not have aroma, you’ll have to return to the main menu in Recovery when installation is complete and select “reboot system now”.
Your Galaxy Note 10.1 will boot now and will take a few minutes to boot up. Wait patiently till you see Omega boot screen followed by the welcome screen where you will have to go through primary set-up and then you’ll be able to use your device. Enjoy!
Also Try This ROM!
Android Revolution HD ROM on Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1
Alright. Thank you.
Hello Rakesh, kindly respond as your response is very essential.
Thank you.
You won’t be able to boot in CWM/TWRP recovery using those apps unless you install CWM/TWRP recovery first. Root your Note 10, install a recovery and then you can install this or any custom ROM too.
I’ve done it but when trying backing up ROM I got this response “no /sdcard/.android_secure found”
“No sd-ext found. Skipping backup of sd-ext.”
“Generating md5 sum…….”
Backup complete!
Please kindly assist what do I do??
Please i wanted to use this ROM but could not find backup and restore option on the reboot recovery.
Kindly assist.
Which recovery do you have?
Thank you for your response.
I’ve so many recoveries that gave same result like CWM backup,ROM manager,Nandroid, androidVNC,TWRP manager. I’ve all these apps installed on my note GT-N8000 but seem not working. Baseband version is N8000XXCLL1.
Thank you.
So many recoveries? LOL. You just have installed apps that can help you boot into recovery and perform some tasks only if CWM/TWRP is installed on your device.
See this:
Thanks. Yes I know but I was trying them one after the other maybe one may work.
Please can you give direct procedure on how to install this Omega ROM on my note? I’m not that good at this but trying my best.
Thank you.
Hey man, what’s up? I have a little problem here with my Note 10.1 GT-N8000.
I’ve downloaded a some custom roms including Omega Rom, my problem here is FLASING ROMS THRU CUSTOM RECOVERY VIA AROMA INSTALLER and then, when the AROMA is about to start then the problem came out, my NOTE just got STOCK/FREEZE and sometimes it freezes up a few seconds after the AROMA got started to install. I really don’t have any idea why my NOTE 10.1 got stock everytime the ROM under go with AROMA. I’ve been trying it with different recoveries, CWM, PHILZ & TWRP but no luck. I double check each RECOVERIES/ROMS I’ve downloaded but nothing was wrong and everything was excatly for N8000. I’ve been flashing android since I’ve got my very first Android Device {Galaxy Mini GT-S5570) since then, I’m helping my friend with their Android, I’ve been flashing and rooting a hundred times, rooting via UBUNTU, I’ve made rooting tools on Samsung i9050 which is Samsung made it only for chinese people and the only provider was China Mobile, and after translating their language and study their rooting technics and their funny term of BRUSH which is “FLASH” and their latest Firmware came and for a couple of months no one made a root but me, and I’ve been mentioned on some of their Chinese blog sites. To cut it short, many android smart phone especially Samsung that I’ve been thru, and now I’m owning S5/Note3/Note Pro 12.2 and my problematic Note 10.1 N8000. Is there an issue here with regards to AROMA on N8000? Flashing with Odin was flawless and Recoveries “withOUT” AROMA was perfect. I wonder whats wrong… One more thing, I’ve tried the Aroma File Explorer “” and its not working, and it freezes too. I will wait for your answer bro.. Thnanks. =)
Copy zip to tablet sd instead of external sd and there is no freeze on app selection. I had same problem with freeze when trying to install for external sd
praad Install the latest CWM/TWRP first and then try installing the ROM.
Both rom are not working with CWM 6.0.3.X
on note 10.1.
this also happen im remove all my app then backup after doing all that got into recovery mod then gone inside omega installation after making choice until area with bloatware choice its stuck what to do
reboot into recovery and try again.
it give this message no /sdcard/.android_secure found when i try to backup after 4gb something it stop backup
What i mean is my original rom
Free more space or use a card with greater storage capacity.
Sir I want to backup the rom to sd card but it say cannot backup the sd card (external) not found my total apps in internal card arround 8 gb ,free around 3gb free space, total space is 12 gb
Do we have to flash gapps as well? If so which version?
Omega is a Samsung based Rom, so you do not need to flash falls separately.
Hi Rakesh,
My note 10.1 is stuck on the boot screen and I wanted to Root it and then install the Omega ROM, but as I cant power up the device I’m lost as to how to do so,
any help would be appreciated.
What is the model number of your device and which file did you use to root it. Also, you say that you not able to power up the device, did you try to boot it into download mode?
Plug the device to charger and try again.
Its the GTN 8000
Thanks, got it into Download mode, and worked after.
i ve installed the omega rom on my n8010 all went ok but after the installation the tablet shows me a note for software update. When i go to do this update and after i choose confirm it shows me a message registering device and after that processing failed…..what can i do? all works perfect except the software update. Sorry for my bad english…..plz help.
LOL, you have installed a custom ROM so why do you expect official update on it? Go to Settings>About> Software Update and disable it.
The ROM developer might have forgotten to disable the feature.
I was able to install the custom ROM after installing the Philz extension to CWM recovery. NIce to have a tablet without all the bloatware!
Hello Sudarshan,
when trying backing up current ROM I got this response
“no /sdcard/.android_secure found”
“No sd-ext found. Skipping backup of sd-ext.”
“Generating md5 sum…….”
Backup complete!
Please kindly assist what do I do??
Your response will be highly appreciated.
Thank you.
Just an update: After a whole bunch of things, I was able to restore my stock ROM that I backed up before installation. I tried the installation process again, but this time I have the same issue as the other person has: Aroma freezes at the default installation/remove bloatware screen. I’ve searched online and there doesn’t seem to be a solution for this problem. Is there a way to install the custom ROM without Aroma or maybe using an Aroma alternative? In your reply you were able to install an older version of the ROM. Could you post the link to the version of the ROM that worked for you?
Thanks a lot for your help with the rooting process. I’ve started the Omega custom ROM installed. I selected all the apps to install and tapped the install button. However, the installation bar is stuck at 0.00%. The screen is not frozen because I see the color on the bar moving from left to right, but the bar itself is not moving. Its been there for around 20 minutes. Is this normal? If not is there anything that I can do fix this?
Finally, if this doesn’t work, how would I go back to the stock ROM? As suggested in the instructions I have made a backup of the stock ROM on my external SD card before installation.
Hmm, seems there is a problem in Aroma Installer. If your device is still stuck there, reboot the device in recovery again. Press and hold the power button to reboot phone, and then press Volume up+Power keys to reboot it into recovery. Restore the previous ROM.
Flashed this without any issues, really nice boot graphic as well……..nicely done!
Yup, the Omega bootanimation looks really great!
Hello FreakFarm,
when trying backing up ROM I got this response
“no /sdcard/.android_secure found”
“No sd-ext found. Skipping backup of sd-ext.”
“Generating md5 sum…….”
Backup complete!
Please kindly assist what do I do??
Your response will be highly appreciated.
Thank you.
If I install this will I lose my data or will it be safe?
Yes, it will delete them. Backup them first:
Also see this:
I’m trying to install it, but when I reach the last option in the wizard of (Full install or remove bloatware) it freezes, I restarted the device 3 times, still freeze on the same screen after I choose either options.
I tried to wait for more than 45 minutes, same issue. when I restart, it shows Android is upgrading, then boots the stock ROM.
My device is GT-N8000 XXCMC1, is it compaitbale with this ROM or did I do something wrong some where?
please help!
There might be any issue with Aroma installer. I noticed this a couple of time too but was able to install the ROM (an older version). I would recommend you to wait till the next update.
I noticed if sdcard storage is set to media/0 it wont install. Set it to media via recovery.
using this rom for about 3-days nice performance no battery drain go ahead and install if u r looking to customize your experience with the 10.1
Hello Zain,
when trying backing up ROM I got this response “no /sdcard/.android_secure found”
“No sd-ext found. Skipping backup of sd-ext.”
“Generating md5 sum…….”
Backup complete!
Please kindly assist what do I do??
Your response will be highly appreciated.
Thank you.
What about the note LTE version, N8020? Able to use this rom too?
It does not support that model.