At DroidViews, we have a great series of best custom ROMs for a range of Android phones and tablets. The Galaxy Grand Duos GT-I9082 was released back in January 2013 and noticing the popularity of the phone in Asian region, we wanted to do a best ROMs post for this device in April. It is very surprising that despite grand sales figure the development activity around the Galaxy Grand is scanty to a great extent. It is really an unusual thing!
Though we have the used the word “best” in the post title, we cannot really say that the ROMs listed below are “best” in the true sense of the word. Actually, there are just a little bunch of custom ROMs for the Galaxy Grand and we are listing them all below. Since I do not have the device itself, the review given below are based on the opinion of the users.
If you want to install a custom ROM onto your Galaxy Grand Duos GT-I9082, you must have root access on your phone. Besides, the presence of a custom recovery is required too. In case you have not yet rooted your phone, you can easily do it by following the easy steps given on our rooting tutorial on the link below:
Root and Install CWM Recovery on Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos GT-I9082
Also Read this:
Things to Do Before and After a Custom ROM
- Charge your phone to at least 70% level.
- Backup your contacts, messages, call-log and apps, etc.: Use these apps
How to Install a Custom ROM on Galaxy Grand:
The procedure of installing a custom ROM using ClockworkMod Recovery is almost the same for all Android phones. You just have to follow a few steps and it is done!
- All custom ROMs come in zip and have md5 checksum signature that tells your device that it was downloaded successfully and does not miss anything. So download the ROM file in zip and copy it to you phone, preferably to the external SD card.
- If you have downloaded an AOSP or CyanogenMod based custom ROM, you’ll also have to install the Google apps after flashing the ROM. Download the latest Google Apps zip package to install via CWM here. Copy this file to your phone too.
- Now boot your phone into recovery mode. Here is the method: press and hold Volume Up + Home + Power buttons at the same time till the Samsung logo with device name blinks for 2 times. Then release the Power key while keeping other keys pressed till you see the recovery menu with “ClockwrokMod Recovery” written on the top. In Recovery mode, use the volume keys to scroll and the power key to select options.
- Important: Go to “backup and restore” option and backup your current ROM to the external SD card.
- When backup is complete, go back to main menu and “wipe data/factory reset”.
- Then go to “advanced” and “wipe dalvik cache”.
- Go back and select “mounts and storage” and “format system”.
- Return to main menu and select “install zip from sdcard> choose zip from sdcard”, navigate to the ROM zip file and select it.
- When the ROM is installed, also install the Google apps zip package, if applicable, using Step 8.
- Finally, return to main menu and select “reboot system now”.
Wait till the device boots up properly and you see the welcome screen. Do the required setup and enjoy the new ROM!
1. GENNXT ROM Android 4.2.2
Developer: balliboxer (Donate)
ROM Review:
GENNEXT is based on the latest official firmware for the Galaxy Grand Duos but it contains various mods and ports from Galaxy S3, S4 and Note 2. It is a completely deodexed and zipaligned ROM with BusyBox. Various system tweaks and optimizations make it reduce lag delays and perform faster and smoother. As for the battery-life, it is fine too.
Here is t5he list of features of the GNNEXT ROM for the Galaxy Grand Duos GT-I9082:
- Most unnecessary system apps/bloatware have been removed.
- SMS 200 recipients, stop SMS to MMS auto-converting, increase SMS hour limit
- Camera & Camcorder hacks: Adding “Shutter Sound On/Off” in menu, flash can be used in low battery
- Note2 video player (with live thumbnails, have to wait for sometime to let video player to build thumbnails)
- Note2 Motion Quick Glance
- S4 LockScreen with flare effect
- Galaxy S4 app and Settings icons
- S4 AccuWeather widget
- Galaxy S4 Contacts app
- Ink Effect Blue Colour For Now
- Smart rotation new feature
- Notification panel lock screen and recent apps
- Pop Up Browser
- Inbuilt Flash Player
- 4 way reboot menu
- Multiwindow feature with unlimited apps support
- Lockscreen rotation
- 5 shortcuts on the lockscreen
- 5×5 app grid on homescreen and app drawer
How to Install: Read at the beginning of the post.
2. CM 10.1 (Unofficial) Galaxy Grand Duos
Developer: pawitp
ROM Review:
CyanogenMod ROM is one of the most original and popular custom ROMs for Android devices. It is available, officially or unofficially, for almost all phones and tablets. The current port for Galaxy Grand is based on the latest version of CM, that is 10.1, and lets you enjoy Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean on your phone.
CyanogenMod ROMs have always been known for their lightweight, speedy performance, smooth user interface and battery-friendliness. The only major issue with this unofficial port is that it does not support dual SIM and so only the primary SIM works.
3. XperiaZ ROM for GT-I9082
Developer: balliboxer
ROM Review:
The very name “XperiaZ” is enough to express what this ROM has to offer! If you love the look and apps of Sony’s current flagship Xperia Z and wish to have them on your very Galaxy Grand Duos, the XperiaZ is the best and only choice for you. The completely changes the look and feel of your device to let you experience the Xperia feel.
It is a fully deodexed and zipaligned ROM featuring Busybox and init.d support. Besides a lot of system tweaks and optimizations, the XperiaZ ROM brings a host of features from the Xperia Z. The ROM looks beautiful and performs faster and gives better battery. The developer has removed most bloatwares but you can still enjoy the features that come with your Galaxy Grand Duos.
- XperiaZ Launcher
- XperiaZ Album
- XperiaZ Movies
- XperiaZ LockScreen
- XperiaZ Bootanimation
- XperiaZ Walkman player
- XperiaZ SystemUi
- XperiaZ System Sounds
- XperiaZ Fonts
- XperiaZ Icons
- XperiaZ ClearAudio+
- BRAVIA® Engine 2
- 4Way Reboot
- Themed Recent Apps Windows
- Themed 23 Toggles
- BloatWares Removed
More ROMs will be added soon!
Rakesh….. thanks to share custom rom for us….. I install GENNXT ROM perfectly….and use it… But I want install xperia rom on my grand………… but that rom not working…install perfectly….but system restore then open phone… galaxy grand logo…light off or on.. running……. I m wait some time…. but this not working…
I reinstall Gennxt rom… now runing….
how can i install xperia rom?
tell me
Update this post ?
ur samsung rom is fake … its shows 4.2.2 after installation.
rply me on whatsapp +918909306976
I upgraded GNNEXT 4.2.2 to CM11 recently. Now I want to be back in GENNEXT 4.2.2.
Now Can I flash gennext 4.2.2 directly?
sir i have installed xperiaz rom on my galaxy grand and its working fine but its not showing xperiaz boot screen only voice is comming of previos samsung official rom boot screen..
4.1.2 would appreciate if you put a nice custom rom.
Sir can you suggest me the best and latest custom rom with dual sim support for my Samsung galaxy grand I9082
sir can u suggest any rom similar to kitkat or ubuntu in samsung galaxy grand duos…
can u suggest any rom similar to kitkat or ubuntu sir for samsung galaxy grand duos….
sir i want to install ubuntu in my mobile, please help me…………… samsung galaxy grand duos……….
Not available.
What is this CWM recovery , I want to install
GENNXT ROM Android 4.2.2 on galaxy grand duos so will i install it directy or else any other procedure please tell fast
i more doubt i had , i had previously officialy updated grand to 4.2.2 ,will there be any problem installing this genext??
No problem.
one more doubt i had , previously i had updated 4.2.2 official rom of samsung ,will there be no problems in installing genext…??
i have already installed a custom rom but now i want to install genext in my grand can i install in without any problem
Just follow the instructions.
after flashing gennxt my voice recorder got removed
i want it back..
can u provide a flashable zip file for d same????
Hey akesh
i m not been able 2 backup dis rom
it gives un able to create backup img error
howdo i backup dis rom????
Try backing it up on internal and external sd both.
i didnt get u..
backup done…… (y)
juz have a doubt nw
wats dat 8 gb of device memory???????
i guess frst it was 4 gb…..
how to delete d russian language in gennxt
Why do you want o delete language? Try changing it.
Can any of these ROMs be used with Grand Duos GT-I9082l? T/hanks
Yes, they can run but I will not recommend you try that if you are not an advanced user.
I have flash the GENNEXT on my Galaxy Grand Duos, but after I reboot it stuck at Samsung GALAXY GRAND boot logo. please help
Boot your device into recovery again and reinstall the rom after wiping cache, data factory reset, system and dalvik cache.
hey rakesh i have followed all d steps nd it shows installed proprly. but wen i reboot device gets stuck on galaxy grand logo for hours…..plzz help
Sounds weird. I have tested all of them without any problem.
plzzz provide some solution……
Install official firmware:
kkk trying
bt is der any solution to d prblem m facing wid ur gennxt rom??????
plzz hlp bcoz i dnt want dat custom rom…..
Wipe everything except the external SD in CWM and reinstall it.
Hey listen i prfrmed d foll operations
1 wipe cache prtition
2 wipe factory/data reset
3 format system
4 format data
5 format preload
6 wipe dalvik cache
7 den flashed d rom
8 mount system
9 mount data
den reboot….
bt nw d phone went under continious loop and continuously that galaxy logo comes nd again phone restats…..
basically the SAMSUNG GALAXY GRAND logo went in loop…
wat to do????
is dat steps right or shud i make any changes in d steps??????
There is nothing left to do now. Just restore your backed up ROM or install firmware again.
will dat cynogenmod 10.1 work with dual sim????coz m using 2 sims……
No, it doesn’t.
but plzz if u find any solution fou ma prblem post it…..
i juz wanna install dat gennxt rom…..
Hello Rakesh
Please advice
Try latest CyanogenMod ROM from here:
Use the steps given here:
Install latest Gapps for CM from here:
My gtn 8000 is now on hd rom by Mike 8 version, for cyanogenmod any change in kernel…
After upgrade to 4.2.2 jb we cannot see developer options in device settings for usb debugging to view developer options in 4.2.2 jb please advice…Thanks in advance
will dual sim feature work after installing gennxt rom on galaxy grand duos
Yes, it will work. Try the latest version:
hey i tried the rom and it worked well….but i wanted to ask if the same dual sim feature would work in the xperia rom
and thanks for help
Yes, it supports dual SIM too.
hi sir… really the information you provided is just awesome.. thank you sir.. its 100% working..
please post if any custom ROM’s are available.. please… please..
external 2 internal app has created the problem i think
thats y i am unabe to see my external sd card
also tell me how to uninstall cwm reocvery if possible
Install the official ROM on your phone.
how to install official rom
See here:
I installed official ROM but now my phone does not boot up it just shows black screen how to unbrick my phone please help
I have installed GENNXT ROM for Galaxy Grand but my sd card in not shown in storage it shows unmount and it shows total space as 3.94 which is device memory please help
How to swap the kernel if swappable?
Just install the zip via CWM, or if it is a .tar file, install it using Odin.
I own a galaxy grand duos
I installed cm 10.1 from your link
Can I install to gen next ROM directly over it?
Will I face problems due to downgrade?
Yes you can install it using the same steps.
Thank u
i used samsung galaxy grand,but i have a problem.the set lite automatic
on and off.what the problem?plz help me.
Hi there, I have problem with my GT-I9082. Device stuck on booting.
So then I try to load the stock ROM, unfortunately it’s hard to download
because it is only available under HOTFILE server. Could you help me upload the Stock ROM for GT-i9082 so that I can download it.
After failing on download the stock ROM, then I try
custom ROM. I’ve tried every custom ROM you’ve listed above, none of
them give me signal on mobile network in Indonesia. Does it support
Custom ROMs support all countries.. As for the rom upload, I am unable to do that now as my broadband connection is very crappy these days.