We have known that Google released a new operating system 10 years ago as an experiment to develop a new operating system which will be focused on smartphones and tablets. However, this operating system was based on Linux which meant that the Android operating system has to be kept open-source as the platform which it is based on is open-source. Therefore, Google has kept developing Android as its own operating system even though it is open source and we are seeing the popularity of Android going leaps and bounds every day.
Apart from that, Google also developed the application store for Android which was named as Google Play Store. On the Google Play Store, we can find various applications, as well as games which can be downloaded for free whereas some of them, are paid apps.
Now, we have known that Android users have been fond of playing various games in the different categories and we have found out one such interesting game from the Arcade category on the Google Play Store which will test out the memory of smartphone users.
This app has been developed by Jolusan, an independent developer on Google Play Store and the name of this app is Touches. This app can be installed from the Google Play Store for free and there are no in-app purchases inside the app also.
Now, when you first install the application from the Google Play Store and open it for the first time, you will see a home screen as the one seen down below
You will see a star icon on the top-right of the home screen when you open the Touches app, this is the leaderboard of the top players of this application and you will find the names of various high scorers in this section like below
Now, if you move further inside the application by tapping on the > at the top of the home screen, you will get an option to play the game in either + Touches mode or Shuffle Touches mode as seen from the image below
After selecting any of the two modes from above, you will be able to start playing the game and you will see a countdown of 3..2..1..Go inside the app as seen below
Once you see Go inside the game, you will now get an automatically generated line inside the application which has to be re-drawn by the user. The system generated line can be seen as below
Once the line is generated automatically, it will vanish in 1-2 seconds and then the user has to draw an exact same line from the start point to the finish point as was drawn by the system. Once the user draws a similar line, the app will show the original line and the accuracy of both the lines will be shown in the application as follows
From the above image, you can see that the accuracy of the Touch is 34% which means that the intersection ratio of original line and the redrawn line is at 34%.
In order to continue playing the app, you will have to get at least 60% accuracy or more otherwise your current session will be completed and you will get a “Game Over” message inside the app as seen from the screenshot attached below
Also, you can retry by going back and selecting from the two different modes of the app where one of the modes is + Touches mode which means that you will go in an increasing order of Touches from 1 Touches, 2 Touches, 3 Touches and it will increase gradually.
However, in the Shuffle Touches mode, you will see that the app will generate random lines where you could get 2 Touches first and then it will show 1 Touches and vice-versa.
Now, you can also get an advantage while playing the game if you score more than 85% accuracy consecutively 3 times or more and the advantage will be that you will get a +5% score in the next level which will mean that you can get a 60% accuracy even if you get a 55% accuracy on the next level due to the previous advantage.
You can also see the number of times that you have consecutively scored above 60% or more accuracy inside the app from the screen where you have to select from the + Touches mode or the Shuffle Touches mode. You can see your accuracy score for your gameplay as seen from the screenshot below
Apart from that, your score will automatically get into the Leaderboard of the app if you have more consecutive touches as well as the accuracy percentage o your Touches in higher. Make sure to try the app from the link attached below and let us know about your highest score in the comments section below
[googleplay url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=es.jolusan.touchlines”/]Also, if you have any problems in using the Touches app then you can comment with any queries that you might have down below and we will try and comment to solve your problem as soon as possible.
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