The Path of Exile or PoE is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. This is a complex project that was inspired by the Diablo series, but which brought its own new mechanics to the gaming industry.
Some of these things may be incomprehensible to beginners, because not everything in PoE comes down to grinding and quickly clearing locations and collecting loot.
You will need to understand the systems of builds and orbs, the meaning of completing all acts and moving into the end game, which is called a season here.
Leveling up doesnโt end with simply clearing locations; there are also tasks, bosses, or an alternative in the form of poe boost from a professional service.
Skill tree
Path of Exile has its own skill tree, mostly passive, that is, those that provide permanent bonuses or chance effects that can put the player in a state of shock due to the huge number of branches and variations.
I would like to immediately reassure all beginners – there is nothing super complicated in this, and you will soon see this for yourself. Moreover, there are not so many really useful branches.
Classes, their features and characteristics in Path of Exile
Path of Exile is not linear like Diablo, where each hero has his own initial skills, and they gradually develop as they level up. In PoE, each hero begins his journey in his own part of the treetops with skills and develops around his character.
Some characters will have an advantage due to better positioning and the ability to reach stronger skills while spending fewer stat points.
The skill tree will have three main colors that define key mechanics.
- Red is strength.
- Green – agility.
- Blue – intelligence.
If you visually and mentally divide the skill tree for yourself, you will end up with three active zones, which will make the general understanding of all the characteristics a little easier.
Itโs worth noting right away that in addition to quickly leveling up, you also need to add points received for levels into the characteristics. Otherwise, you buy poe services, but you will not be able to equip the item, even if it is of high quality, simply due to a lack of conditional strength and dexterity.
What the parameters give:
- Strength – for every 10 stat points you will receive an increase in maximum health and physical damage in close battles.
- Dexterity – 10 points will bring you increased accuracy and overall dodge from enemy attacks.
- Intelligence – 10 points will bring you an increase in your total mana reserve and energy shield parameters.
All heroes have different priority in characteristics, which is expressed in methods of attack, style of play and general requirements for the main part of the equipment, which is also displayed in the skill tree.
The starting point for the development of any character has its own wheel, which is wedged into the general tree, and you will not be able to bypass this system and choose a completely arbitrary way of developing the hero and his skills.
For each level, you will receive one characteristic point and distribute it at your discretion. When you order poe boost service, you will simply receive a lot of class development points, which you can simply throw into the skill tree at your discretion.
Seven characters and their main characteristics
- Savage is strength.
- Priest – strength + intelligence.
- Witch – intelligence.
- Bandit – agility and intelligence.
- Hunter – agility.
- Duelist – strength + agility.
- Noblewoman – strength + dexterity + intelligence.
Itโs worth clarifying right away that the Noblewoman class will not be available to you from the first moments of the game, and there are several reasons for this.
Firstly, its gameplay is very complex, and a beginner may simply not understand it and leave PoE prematurely.
Secondly, you need to complete the storyline and free this character in order to unlock the noblewoman in the hero selection list. You can do this yourself, or pay for a poe booster to quickly complete this task and start a new game for an updated and newly opened character.
In addition to the basic parameters, each hero except the noblewoman has three ascension options, which allow you to customize the characterโs capabilities more precisely and choose one of the subclasses.
Gems and skill features in Path of Exile
Initially, your character, regardless of class, will not have any skills other than a regular attack, and even poe service will not correct this situation.
You will mine stones or gems with different skills and when you insert them into the sockets of your weapon, you will be able to use this skill, provided that you meet its parameters and attribute.
The color that is displayed on the stones serves as a guide to which part of the equipment or weapon can be installed and which of the three fundamental attributes will be required for the equipment.
Each stone with a skill can also gain experience based on the principle of use – the more often and more you use it, the faster it will develop and increase in level, and therefore become stronger.
By the way, when you buy poe boosting, you can also order pumping of stones – for Skycoach professionals this is a simple task.
Not all items initially have sockets, so you need to look for them and thatโs why they have such value.
Potentially, the largest number of stones can be inserted into the main armor, two-handed weapons – up to 6 stones.
Helmets, gloves, single weapons – up to 3 stones.
Rings – one stone.
Potentially, you have a chance to insert more than 10 enhancing gems, which will not only give you special enhancements, but also give you the opportunity to develop them to your advantage.
If you wish, you can expand the number of sockets in items of poor quality, but no more than the maximum allowable number in the best version of this item, that is, not exceeding a maximum of 6 sockets.
Skill Gems themselves may not be as effective unless they have a strong connection to the socket they are socketed into.
This all works together – the more skill stones are combined into sockets and among themselves, the stronger and more unique your hero will be.
League play
Every three months, a new format appears in PoE – a league, which is reset after its end and starts anew for everyone.
These are always new challenges and features that will only be relevant for this type of game this season.
For example, when you kill a group of monsters that stand nearby and close to each other, special demons and bosses will appear, for killing which you can receive unique equipment and stones.
Another advantage of playing in the league is the constant updating of the economy.
When three months have passed, the entire league will be reset and everyone will start playing all over again, on absolutely equal terms.
Further reading: 7 Android Games Worth Paying For
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