The long wait of the Galaxy S3 on AT&T users has finally come to an end as Samsung has pushed the Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean update for them. This is the latest version of firmware for the device and it comes with the updated ToucWiz UX. The new update will bring a host of features to this popular super-phone.
Some of the features include:
- Two Home screen modes: easy and basic
- Blocking mode under Settings to avoid undesired notifications
- Swype is added
- New Music Hub
- Modified Settings menu
- Quick panel UI is updated.
- Updated Facebook support
- Google Now
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Root Samsung Galaxy S3 on Android 4.1.2 JB (I9300XXELKC_I9300OXXELK4_XEO)
New Features Review: Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean Update Samsung Galaxy S3
Review: Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean Update for Samsung Galaxy S3
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Android 4.1.1 update is now available and can be downloaded via Kies or OTA. When the download is complete, you can install it wwithina few minutes. The baseband of your phone will change to I747UCDLJ3 after the update. Head over to the official support page to get a full detail of the JB update.
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