Samsung Galaxy S3 stock ROM was leaked just after the official announcement of its Global Launch. So now we have access to its stock stuff like the wallpapers, live wallpapers, clocks, apps, ringtones, and other goodies that have been extracted from it. Now you can download and use them. I personally like the amazing Dandelions live wallpaper. You can get it all inside the Galaxy S3 system dump zip file provided below.
Samsung Galaxy S3 comes packed with a number of new apps and features that can now be ported to other Android ICS devices too. Below you can download a few stock goodies or the whole app package or if you like the complete system dump. Thanks to Faryaab from XDA for uploading the system dump. Download the Galaxy S3 system dump and enjoy!
Download Samsung Galaxy S3 System Dump
Galaxy S4 Apps, Wallpapers, Tone and System Dump
Visit Our Collection of System Dumps
How to Install the Apps on Your Device:
Do not expect all apps from the Galaxy S III to work on your device, but there is no harm in trying to make them work. First of all, your device must have ICS ROM installed on it. If it is so, do this. If you get parsing error while attempting to install them, use Root Explorer app for the purpose, copy the files directly to System/Data folder, and set the permission as follows:
x x - x - - x - -
After installing certain apps, you will have to edit the Build Prop with using Root Explorer. The following visual guide made byย BlackElvis79 will help you do that.
Having downloaded the Galaxy S3 system dump file from above, you need to install the stock app APK files on your Samsung device. Please note that most of the Galaxy s3 apps will not work on non-Samsung devices.
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