Recently, OnePlus updated the 3 and 3T models to OxygenOS 4.0. This means that the two devices have received Android Nougat in the process, because that’s what the latest version of the company’s proprietary custom interface is based on. Of course, many were happy upon hearing the news, but that joy died down a bit soon after, when people discovered a not so warming truth.
Apparently, the previously encountered touch latency issues recorded by the devices are still present after the update. This came as a shock to some that were hoping to finally be on par with the rest of the smartphone using populace. For those that aren’t aware of what touch latency or screen latency is, it is basically a delay between the moment you press the screen of a smart device and the moment when the device reacts to your action. Screen latency is something you never want to have. You always want to have a smooth transition between animations and various pages, and the response time to be as fast as possible.
According to statistics, using one of the two OnePlus devices will land you double the latency you would experience with another top tier device such as the Galaxy S7 from Samsung or the HTC 10. OnePlus were made aware of the situation but its responded by saying that they will prioritize the release of the Android Nougat based ROM for its units by the end of the year. It managed to keep its promise but also declared that a touch latency optimization fix will be next on the to-do list at OnePlus.
There were also promises made about a latency fix addressed in the latest Nougat deployment, but that never came to be. Now OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T users are left stranded without a solution for the persisting touch latency. While the latest update has been deployed, the problem remains for the users that chose these models as their daily drives. Until there is more information, it looks like OnePlus is just going to ignore this issue, hoping it’ll go away.
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