I love watching TV shows. I am a binge watcher. I am capable of watching a whole season in just 24 hours when addicted. From Friends to Game of thrones I’ve watched it all. And since I watch a lot of shows and new episodes keep on coming every week it becomes kind of difficult to keep track of them. That’s why I needed something that could help me remember what episode I have already watched and when is the next episode going to air.
Recently I came across Episodify in the Google play store and all my problems regarding episode management were solved. Episodify by Cloud Mark is probably the best episode tracker available in the Google play store. Here’s why.
First of all, it’s super simple to use. Just add the TV show that you want to follow in your list, mark the episodes that you have already watched, and Episodify will notify you when the latest episode is out.
To add a TV show to your favourites simply search for that shoe in the search area on the top. You’ll see a number of shows with similar names (if there are any). Tap on the show and then tap on the star icon on the top right corner to add that show to your favourites. From the same page, you can manage the number of episodes that you have watched. Once a show is added to your favourites you’ll start to get push notifications regarding new episodes.
If you are not sure which TV show to follow then you can use the “Explore TV shows” option of the app which is accessible by tapping the hamburger menu on the top left corner of the homepage. Here all the shows are arranged in alphabetical order and the list contains almost all the TV shows. It is highly unlikely that you won’t find what you are looking for.
The developers have implemented a progress bar with all the shows which inform you about how many seasons or episodes you have watched already.
I guess it is safe to say that Episodify is one of the best Android apps to keep track of your favourite TV shows.
Do you use such apps to keep track of your favourite shows? If yes, which app do you prefer? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
[googleplay url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ro.cloudmark.tvshows”/]
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