Been a while since Google Play Store was updated but it only offered some minor updates and bug fixes. Lately Google has been more responsive in Play Store upgrades, this time it not only offers to wipe any existing bug but also an addition of certain new features. The version is now upgraded from 3.9.17 to Play Store Update 3.10.9
What new comes in?
Here what you shall spot first, is the changes in the app installation screen. Once you have chosen an app and you click on the “Install” button proceeding to “Accept & download” button, what you will see is shown below. Like the earlier Android Market days, it says “App will be downloaded and installed”. Personally, I don’t find this a useful integration since it only expands the number of clicks required to head back to the Store’s app list. Pressing the “Keep shopping” button will, in turn, take you back to the installation process screen. Quiet messy it is now, Isn’t it?
The second UI change adds a sort of icon in “My wishlist” which enables you to directly clear your wishlist apps just with a few taps. This feature is worth. Below is a screenshot showing this icon, just in front of each and every app in “My Wishlist”.
There are other minor features and bug fixes in the app which are not noticeable by normal eyes which include new permissions, a Translate option, improved recommendations support, etc. We always expect to see new handy features in the Play Store, which definitely provides a sense of ease to us.
So, was the Add to Wishlist button supposed to be removed with this update? It just arrived in 3.9 and now in 3.10 they added little Delete buttons to the actual wishlist, but I don’t see the “Add to Wishlist” button anymore (it looked like a banner with a + in it). Did I get a broken update, or have others noticed this absence also?