Google’s dominance as the top company when it comes to smartphone operating system is no surprise. And it has only the Android operating system to thank for its uprise. The open nature of everything about the Android OS is probably the best thing out there when you start comparing it to others such as the iOS and Windows OS. Learning how to create applications on the Android platform is easy as pie and there tons of written and video tutorials readily available on the internet willing to teach you.
Today might as well be called the Nexus Eve Day as very soon at a Google Event we will be witnessing the launch of not one but 2 new Nexus devices, Pretty exciting! In the eve of this Google as announced another welcome change, it has introduced an update to the Play Store that will have a big impact on the Android apps you use and install. The update to the Play Store means the maximum Android app size which can be uploaded to the Play Store has doubled in size from 50MB to 100MB, which will allow developers to include more in the initial app size, rather than rely on post-install downloads as many games do.
Back in 2012, Google added a workaround for developers that still required them to keep their app’s apk below 50 MB, but allowed them to include up to two “expansion files” (i.e. obb files) that can be as large as 2 GB each. The executable code was to remain in the apk while the obb files were meant for extremely large resources which you weren’t able to fit into the core application.
With the new limit in place, developers can now build their apps to the size it requires to be, rather than putting limits on resources. Although this new limit will free the pressure on developers it is sure to give users a hit when it comes to updating applications off the Play Store as it will increase data usage.
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