With growing interests of tech giants like Apple, Google and Microsoft for introducing their own personal assistants, Facebook M is the newest among them. The Premium technology companies have already launched their own personal assistants like Apple’s Siri, Google Now, Microsoft’s Cortana and now Facebook has officially announced Facebook M as a new personal assistant for its Messenger app. Facebook claims it has more to offer than what other personal assistants in the market can provide.
Facebook’s David Marcus says about M that its a “personal digital assistant inside of Messenger”. With Facebook M you can get your things like done through a chat like. Along with providing ability to perform tasks and retrieve information, Facebook M can also perform many tasks like purchasing items, delivering gifts to your loved ones, booking restaurants or even get travel arrangements, appointments and way more.
Facebook M is backed by its unique artificial intelligence which can perform tasks according to the data retrieved from the questions it asks you. Moreover, the algorithm for artificial intelligence is backed by trained and supervised personnel.
Back in July, Facebook indicated that Facebook Messenger could get updated with its very own digital personal assistant service and now its being tested by a small group in San Francisco prior to its official launch. Initially, Facebook has codenamed it “Facebook Moneypenny”. However now, they have confirmed its name as Facebook M.
Facebook M will work as a normal conversation and will provide you will results and recommendations through chats and you can just confirm the order if you are looking for a product through it. However, its skeptical about the source that Facebook intends to provide its service with, especially the results that will be recommended when you are purchasing a product. According to a report from Wired, the service will start with only a bunch of people in San Francisco Bay Area getting the privilege to test it before the official Facebook M launches.
[googleplay url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.facebook.orca”]
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