Winston Churchill once said, “We are stripped bare by the problem of plenty”. The great man is probably turning in his grave today! ‘Problem of plenty’ is indeed all-pervasive for the modern man.
Out of the many ‘plentiful’ things that have become somewhat of a headache for most of us is the explosion of apps for smartphones. Each claims to do wondrous things on Android Devices. And there’s no denying the fact that apps do make life easy. On the downside, though, the more apps you download, the slower your phone gets. Simple explanation: Accumulation of junk files in your phone leading to space shortage and eventually a painfully slow phone.
So what comes to your phone’s rescue? An App; what else!
Systweak Android Cleaner (SAC) is an app that boosts your phone in more ways than one. Here’s a complete overview of this extremely useful app. What makes this cleaning app stand out in a crowd of similar products is it user-friendly interface. It’s neat.
Once the application starts, you can simply tap on the ‘Phone Boost’ option. This function frees up RAM space with just a touch. RAM is where most of the unnecessary data is accumulated because of all the downloading and online surfing that you do.
Just beneath ‘Phone Boost’ there are four clearly defined functionalities. Let’s take one at a time:
Junk Files: This section enlists all the redundant data – such as temporary files, cache files, APK folders – that you can do away with. Select the files and folders that you want to delete or simply allow the app to delete the things it finds unnecessary.
Storage Manager: This categorizes the ‘types of files’ you have on your phone viz. photos, audios, videos, documents, files shared via chats, and even downloads. Each type shows a number files that you can do without. Auto-select or hand-pick the ones you would actually want to delete. You will be amazed at the number of duplicate files you find!
Battery Saver: Battery life is a perennial problem for all Android users. By turning on the Battery Saver option, you can increase the battery life of your phone considerably. Battery saver also gives you information about the background functionalities – such as Brightness Quotient and Bluetooth among other things – that eat up battery life.
App Manager: Like we already said, apps are the main culprit. With the App Manager, you can see how much space is being used by which app. Once you are armed with this all- important information, you can delete (or keep) the ones you want. We tend to download apps randomly. They are after all useful more often than not. Even then, there usually are quite a few unused apps in your phone. App manager makes it easy for you to find out all such apps.
Once you are done with the cleaning, you will definitely be amused by the amount of space that was filled with garbage. In effect, cleaning your Android means optimizing it. Each function will ask you to grant permission to delete data from the phone’s internal storage or SD Card. In addition, you can create backups of all files that you want to delete.
An average Android phone needs to be cleaned from time to time. Systweak Android Cleaner comes with an ‘auto-cleaning alarm’. This lets you set a time frame after which you would want your device to be optimized on its own. There is also an ‘ignore list’ that lets you unmark all the apps that you don’t want to scan. What’s more, the app supports seven languages other than English.
In all, Systweak Android Cleaner is a compact app that optimizes your Android phone with a few simple taps or just a single tap, if you so wish. It’s available on Google Play store for free.
[googleplay url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.systweak.systemoptimizer”/]Note: The app review has been provided by the app developers themselves!
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