A wallpaper adds beauty to any device’s screen, let it be a computer or a smartphone, provided, of course, the wallpaper you would select to apply is beautiful and minimal (my preference). When you would power on the screen of your smartphone, the first thing that you would glance is the wallpaper. However, choosing the perfect wallpaper for your home screen or lock screen can be a daunting task due to the fact that certain wallpapers don’t go very well with the icons and fonts which in-turn depends on the device you are using. So, today, I have for you all a wallpaper app that features ultra high-quality and minimal wallpapers, that too in various categories. The app is called WallRoach – HD Wallpapers and Backgrounds App.
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Enough said, let’s get started to check out the app in action as depicted in the screenshots below.
WallRoach – HD Wallpapers and Backgrounds App in action

Download and apply a wallpaper

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My thoughts and conclusion
A very simple app that features ultra high-quality wallpapers that too for free. However, if you wish to get rid of ads, then you can go ahead and purchase the PRO version which is a standalone app costing ₹ 50.00 or $ 0.779 to be precise. One thing I really like about this app is the fact that it features wallpapers in various categories. Specifically, those landscape wallpapers are just gorgeous. For now, the wallpaper collection is quite limited, hope more of them are added in future updates.
There you go Droidviewers on my overview of a neat little wallpaper app. Feel free to chime in the comments section below on your take and experience with this app. Download WallRoach via the Google Play Store link given below.
[googleplay url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.whoops.wallroachwallpapers”/]Also Read: Make Your Phone Last Longer with 8 Simple Battery Saving Tips for Android
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