Being a Google-powered OS, Android lets you enjoy the amazing services from its owner on your smartphone more intuitively than on any other platform for mobile. Half of the charm of the OS lies in the fact that itย integrates apps like Google Search, YouTube, Gmail, Google+, Google Maps, Google Play, Google Sync and Google what not. Today it is almost impossible to imagine a happy mobile life with these apps by Google.
Why Do I Need to Install GApps Manually?
Well, there might be three possible reasons to do a manualย installationย of the Google apps package. While most stock ROMs come with Google Apps pre-installed, it has now become a fashion among the custom ROM developers to provide a separate GApps package rather than include it inside the ROM. To have those Google apps, you need to flash themย separatelyย via CWM Recovery or some other custom Recovery.
There is another situation when you might need to manually flash the Google apps on your Android device. Suppose you have flashed a custom ROM on your Android device and feel later that any of the Google apps is not functioning properly. I have gone through such a situation while using a custom ROM on my Galaxy S2 last year.
Some of the apps that form the Gapps package include the Google Play Store itself, Google Talk, Google Sync (for adding and synchronizing Google accounts), Google Backup Transport, Car Home, Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube, Google Search, Google Voice Search, Google Music, Google Currents, and Google Docs. Most of these apps can be downloaded directly from the Google Play Store itself.
The apps by Google are updated to implement new features and updates. If any of the Google apps receives an update, your device notifies you to install the new version via Google Play store. If you have update a single app, you can do it easily, but if there are many updates, it isย betterย to find the latest GApps for your OS version and flash them via a custom Recoveries program like ClockworkMod Recovery or TWRP.
Please note you will have to flash the Google Apps package every time you install a new custom ROM. In case you are upgrading a ROM, you might or not need to install the GApps but it is always good to ensure that you have the latest package installed on your device.
Do not try to install the Google Apps package via Stock Recovery or you might get “signature verification” error, and if installed it might create internal conflicts. If you have to update a Google app, do it via Google Play Store or by installing the APK file manually if you have it.
Don’t Miss to Read:
Things to Do Before and After Installing a Custom ROM
How to Flash Gapps via CWM Recovery:
Well, flashing the Gapps on your rooted Android phone with ClockworkMod Recovery installed is even easier than installing a custom ROM. If you are a seasoned ROM flasher, it might be just a child’s play. But if you are new to such things, it is always good to be careful. Here are a few tips that should be taken care of:
- Download the latest Google Apps according to the OS version your device is on. To find out the latest Gapps, check the date found in the file name: gapps-jb-20121212-signed.zip. Here you can see the date when the Google Appsย packageย was released/updated:ย gapps-jb-YYYY-MM-DD-signed.zip. Just take a look at the date to find out which is latest.
- In case you have installed a GApps package just after a custom ROM, download the gapps.zip and copy it to your phone (external or internal SD Card).ย Turn off your device and boot it into ย ClockworkMod or TWRP Recovery mode. Install the GApps just after installing the ROM using “install zip from sdcard> choose zip from sdcard” option. Navigate to the file, select it, choose “yes” when asked.
- If you have to install the Google apps over an older version, turn off your device and boot it into stock or ClockworkMod Recovery mode. Go to “advanced” option and select “wipe dalvik cache”. Go back to the main menu in Recovery and install the GApps usingย “install zip from sdcard> choose zip from sdcard”ย option.
- Go back to the main menu and select “reboot system now”.
- Done!
Download Latest Google Apps
Blacked Out & Transparent Google Apps
Google Apps Apk Files (latest)ย
In case you have any issue with Google apps zip package, download the following Google apps apk file separately, ย copy them to your phone by connecting phone to the computer using the USB cable and install them. Make sure that you have turned on “Unknown Sources” options from Settings> Security before or during installation. We’ll keep updating the apps to latest as they get updated!
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Hai I am prakash shanthakumar. My mobile model is samsung gt-s 5830i. Os v2.3 zip file software anybody friends Please sent me my email id. Thanks smartsanta25@gmail.com
Hi, i rooted my htc one x and accidentally install the Google Apps package via Stock Recovery ,now I can’t access to the playstore. Please help! ( no custom roms running) when I clean cach and data on Google service and frame work,it works for a coulpe of seconds and again not responding.
Do a data factory reset.
It didn’t work my friend.still shows this message (unfortunately proces com.Google.gapps has stoped responding) please help!
Try removing the google apps on by one from the System/apps directory and then install the apk files manually.
It doesn’t come now,but now playstore and all the apps not responding after manually install them.! Always crashing. Some time playstore ‘no connection'( even on wifi)
If it’s any help to others I installed ‘gapps-jb-20130813-signed’ after failing to show keyboard and other stuff. Just follow the instructions above to wipe dalvik cache first if tablet failed with a previous version. It’s very, very confusing which gapp to choose.
This was on Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 UK model P5110 purchased 2013. Absolutely fantastic, over the moon.
Thanks so much to all the bod’s that make all this possible, very much appreciated.
What gapps should I install for PAC ROM
Downloaded the latest version for ParanoidAndroid. I guess PAC is based on Android 4.3 so download the latest 4.3 gapps.
ok, I Installed it and the message “Unfortunately, android keyboard (AOSP) has stopped.” keeps coming up, I can’t type anything so i can’t download a new keyboard on the play store. What do I do?
Try installing the Google keyboard Apk from below, or try this.
I once used it while testing PAC.
Thank You!!!!!!! It worked
Thanks for reporting back. Enjoy!
i have tmwrp on my dell streak 7 and upgraded from a 2.2 to the 4.2.2 and the device does not charge when the screen is on, its always lagging, the camera doesn’t work and alot of the apps i download don’t even work, what do i need to do to have it work properly. I upgraded the tablet because i want to pla simpsons tapped out and it never works along with the xfinity app and veetle, no videos work
Have you installed a custom ROM or updated the device with official 4.2.2?
updated my tmobile streak 7 with the official 4.2.2
Did you try a data factory reset in recovery mode?
yes sir i did with teamwin, is there anyway to just get it onto honeycomb because i think that the 4.2 is too much for the device when it used to be 2.2. another thing i found that doesnt work is the headset and besides i would rather have it on honeycomb becaause of the flash capabilities ,once again appreciate the help
Hi Brian I would not recommend you to downgrade your device from JB to GB directly as it might affect the bootloader.
Here is guide that may help you: http://techienetizen.blogspot.in/2011/12/install-gingerbread-233-on-dell-streak.html
The link is for DS 5 not 7, I’m sick and tired of all the force closes, it not charging while in use, and it not playing the only game for the reason why I updated it for Simpsons tapped out, I just want it to work, I followed all instructions known to man and I just want it to work, there has to be a step by step video with no vague or ambiguous info just straight to the point and without a doubt of getting my DS 7 TMOBILE to work with the game Simpson’s without force closing and I want my camera to work and listen to music with my headset, I can’t believe this dang tablet is worthless
And I’m sick and tired of the constant consistent lagging of every little thing
How can we install fm radio apps on custom ics rom series 5…i.e AOKP.Please do let me know the link also where i can find the fm radio apk which can be installed with AOKP.
if i use Rootbox ROm, which one gapps i must install
Install the latest Gapps for Android 4.2.2.
How can I install custom rom 10.1 on officail version 4.2.2 as base version i9082
Now my phone version of phone is 4.2.2 runnig successfully . Can I now install custom roms packman and cyanogen.please help
i have flashed cm 10.1 and have flashed gaaps package 20130301 …. i can do everything (at least) but the keyboard doesn’t work or doesn’t show up ….. i have tried to install another keyboard apk but … it forc closes with an error … please help ASAP
Better install the rom again. It should be fixed.
I’ve done that and even tried to install cm 10. But, somehow even after a full wipe, the gappses apps are still there making the keyboard unusable
Sounds unusual. May be it is an issue with the ROM. Either try an older version of CM or the Nightlies. This’ll at least confirm if it the ROM itself or the Gapps responsible for it.
ok…. problem solved … i did a full wipe of sd card and phone … installed cm 10 instead of cm 10.1 and installed gapps 20121011 ….. the keyboard worked but the only thing is that the camera is not there …..
Try this: http://droidviews.com/2013/install-android-4-2-photo-sphere-camera-and-gallery-apps-on-your-samsung-galaxy-phone/
How can I install custom rom 10.1 on officail version 4.2.2 as base version i9082
Now my phone version of phone is 4.2.2 runnig successfully . Can I now install custom roms packman and cyanogen.
Yes, you can if these ROMs are available.
More info here: http://droidviews.com/2013/things-to-do-before-and-after-installing-a-rom-troubleshooter/
I installed cm10.1, and the new gapps for 4.2.2, and had numerous problems on
my Moto Xoom. Turns out the 4.2.2 gapps + cm10.1 is just too big, and the
/system partition ran out of space, killing the remainder of the gapps installation(IE,
it was only partially installed), and potentially borking any other things you might
be doing that need to write to /system(such as the Cyanogenmod registration – that
kept failing miserably on me).
Not all devices have the same problem as my Xoom(with a mere 256MB /system
partition) but some do. If you are having problems with Gapps working, it’s worth it to
start an adb shell session, and do a “df” to see if your /system is out of space.
If so, restarting from baseline manufacturer ROM, then fresh CM10, fresh 10.1,
then gapps – that may still not help you at all. It didn’t help me.
i have installed jelly blast on my ace 5830i and its working fine except continuous force close for google play stor and gmail app,,
i had followed all instructions given on d site.. even installed Gapps-jb-20121011-signed.zip [CyanogenMod 10.0.x] on my phone….
tried mannually also using apk file,, but still d same problem exist,,
plz help me wid dis…
Try some older version of Google Play.
Which older version u suggest???
should i reinstall jb rom???
No, just wipe cache partition ans dalvik cache and flash it via CWM. All ROMs for smaller devices like Ace come with bugs and that is why I did not do any more posts on such devices.
hi , currently i am on stock ROm ICS 4.0.4, i want to flast my galaxy note GT n7000 to paradroid android 3+ , so which gapp file should i install pls help me .. its urgent
Read the post again, it6 already has a big heading that points to the latest PA Gapps.
how do i reflash my google apps ? i seems to have flashed a wrong version of google apps . i am using the Jellaxy rom but had flashed the ICS google apps
sometimes when i installed apps from google apps it will say ‘the package is invalid”
Download the latest Gapps for JB and install it after wiping cache partition.
pac_jb_4.2.2 auf galaxy ace.
time change automatic.(show wrong time).
I flashed my GTs5830 with Paranoid, but unable to install gapps.
The one you mentioned on your page, cm10.o.x fails to pass the signature check.
Tried Google Apps for Paranoid Android ROM, it fails too.
Please let me know where to get the gapps. Or a work around to get started with google services.
Download the apk files from above and install them.
there is no option to add google accounts in my accounts and sync so i cant access any google services after i installed the gapps 20121011… pls help///
If you not find the Add Account option under phone Settings, directly open the Gmail app and sign in with our id. It should be automatically added. Better if you show me all the options under Settings.
installed gapps but still my play store and maps are not working.
Download and install this and download the maps separately.
which Gapps do i need for the Jelly blast 3.0.3?
galaxy ace GT s5830?
i did this same process in my Galaxy ace Gt-S5830 but my gmail & Playstore is not working is saws the error like ” unfortunatly stopeed”
install again.
When installing apps the verification fails. I have a galaxy p3100.
Make sure the zip is not corrupt and you have downloaded correct version. If required, redownload and try again.
Thank you will try that.
redownload the package, it might have corrupted.
Thank You!