Android Apps
Download Android KitKat 4.4 Apps for Jelly Bean Devices
We’ve just been aware of the launch of the powerful and stunning Nexus 5 coming with the latest and new version of Android;
Get Xperia Z1 Album and Walkman Apps on Android
Sony is one of the greatest manufacturers of Android devices. Its smartphones might not be as popular as those from Samsung or HTC, but
How to Set Wallpaper on Android without Cropping
Android is an awesome platform for smartphones and tablet devices. It offers more features, apps an choice of devices to users. Most of
Get Galaxy Note 3 Lockscreen on Any Android Device
The Google Play Store just welcomed an app that lets you enjoy the Galaxy Note 3 Lockscreen on any Android. We spend a lot of time
Enjoy Pie Controls with GravityBox Module for Xposed
Android is built to give us the freedom to customize the look and performance to our requirements and preferences, and this amazing
Get iOS7 Like Home and Lock Screen and Control Center on Android
Most hard core Android fans consider it infidelity to the green bot to have a point of admiration for iOS. I have heard several people
Focal Camera App is Now Available at Google Play Store
As you might already be knowing, CyanogenMod will no longer be an open source aftermarket custom ROM for Android. The “great
Some Useful Root Apps for Android Devices
I have been using mobile phones since the days when it used to be bulky like a walkie and had an antenna on the top. Just go back a few