How to Root Galaxy S6 Edge Plus (SM-G928C/I/S/K/L)
Samsung’s S6 Edge Plus is another phablet introduced recently along with the Galaxy Note 5. S6 Edge Plus is similar to S6 Edge in
Add More Apps to TouchWiz MultiWindow with Multiwindow Commander
Samsung’s Touchwiz UI may feel sluggish to use, but it provides some very useful features which makes our smartphone
Unofficial Xposed for Galaxy Note 5 Released
Galaxy Note 5 the new entry in the Samsung’s Note lineup is a powerful device capable of providing you an all round performance.
Enable Unlimited 4K Recording on Galaxy Note 5
Galaxy Note 5 is Samsung’s new entry in the Note series. It has a beautiful metal and glass body that gives it a premium look
How to Root Galaxy Note 5 and Install TWRP for T-Mobile and Sprint
The Galaxy Note 5 is the latest flagship by Samsung and the new entry in the Note lineup. This year’s Note has received an
Launch Any App with the Screen Off Camera Gesture on OnePlus One
We all familiar with the screen off gestures available on Oneplus One. Double Tap on the screen unlocks the device, making a circle
Best Custom ROMs for HTC One M9
HTC One M9 is a beast of a device with all-metal body and top of the line specifications. It boasts a 5 inch full HD display powered by
Enrich Your Facebook Experience with Metal for Facebook
Facebook is the most used social networking platform in the world. With many active users from the mobile platform. The Android