If you are an intense Android user and love rooting and using customs, then the first step towards is to root your LG Optimus 4X HD. Follow our guide to root your LG Optimus 4X HD & install CWM recovery in an easy way. But if you are really not interested in rooting and losing your warranty, but still want your device to behave in a more snappier way. Then you are reading and following the right blog. By the fall of August, a user named atipon@XDA developed an app which is popularly known as LG GearBox.
Current version: 1.2.1 ( 28 August 2012)
Indeed, LG GearBox app allows you to handle your CPU frequencies. Not just this, but it also enables you to control its active core.
Apart from this, it comes with an integrated power saver, which helps you make the most out of your 4X’s battery life. You get all these features without Rooting.
Some remarks:
1. Use LG GearBox app at your own risk. Any damage won’t be taken into regard.
2. Instability has been reported with 2 active cores.
3. The 3 core active action won’t work for now. So please wait and have the patience for the developer to fix it.
4. Works on rooted as well as the non-rooted device.
Sometimes, the LG GearBox app may not work at all and FC. But don’t worry, just reboot your device. This is an easy fix.
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