I’ve long been a fan of Action Launcher now, and with every update the app gets, I find myself falling in love with it even more. Action Launcher is one of the most popular Android launchers around and for some very good reasons. Its developer, Chris Lacy does deserve most of the credit for bringing out the features people want and doing it before anyone else. This tradition was established a while ago but since the launch of the first Google Pixel devices, it is really gaining some headlines. Action Launcher was the first to introduce a Pixel style app drawer and the pill widget. It was the first to bring a Pixel 2 like dock set up. Now with Action Launcher v30, it is the first again in bringing the At a Glance widget from the Pixel 2.
The update adds to the already available Pixel 2 features in Action Launcher. We already have a guide on setting it all up, the process being quite simple already. The only thing missing was the At a Glance widget which not only does the job of filling up the empty space but is also surprisingly (to me) useful now that I’m used to having it right on the home screen. I’ve never been someone who has a lot of meetings that I add to my calendar. Yet, simply knowing when la pulgaย will be playing a game without having to specifically look for it on my calendar is a breeze.
There’s more
That’s not all that’s new in the Action Launcher v30 update though. Action Launcher also now has “a dedicated search box icon editor” which will allow you to add some flair to the white bar with a ‘G’. The search bar, known as Quickbar in Action Launcher now adapts to colors extracted from your wallpaper like it previously did.ย The bar isn’t the only thing you can now colorize, however. This extends even to the icons and Action Launcher v30 provides some wild color customizations for the icons. You can change colors for individual icons on the search bar and a number of options available at your disposal are more than enough.
There’s even more
Oh yes, there is. If you bought the companion app AdaptivePack introduced in the v28 update, you’ll now have 250 more icons to choose from. This brings the total number of supported apps to 2200. AdaptivePack also gains dynamic calendar support with this update. Action Launcher v30 also brings improved performance on Samsung devices among other things.
Also read:ย Action Launcher’s Latest Update Brings Google Feed Integration Without Root
Here’s a full list of all the new features, changes, and fixes in Action Launcher v30:
- NEW:
- Pixel Launcher 2-style โAt a Glanceโ widget.
- Controls to colorize Quickbar icons with the Google colors. Pick a grid or stripes pattern, then rotate the pattern until you create the perfect looking icon.
- Add Google Assistant trigger, so that it can be easily placed on the Quickbar, added as a configurable shortcut, etc.
- When using AdaptivePack, the calendar icon displays todayโs date.
- Dynamic clock icon supports Adaptive Icons.
- Option to display Adaptive Icons in the โTouchWizโ shape.
- Use Pixel Launcher 2-style rounded icons for settings, widgets, etc.
- Ability to reset all custom icons in one fell swoop.
- Option to disable auto-adding of shortcuts when new apps are installed from the Play Store (Settings -> Desktop -> Advanced -> Add icon to Home screen).
- Much improved S8/Note 8 compatibility, including using white software navigation buttons.
- Tweak height of search box when it is in the dock to match Pixel Launcher 2.
- Update translations.
- Dock no long displays a tint by default, to match Pixel Launcher 2. See โSettings -> Quicktheme -> Dock backgroundโ to add the dock tint back.
- Date widget displays in โMonth, Dayโ format in US English.
- When picking up an icon from the desktop with the Search box (dock) enabled, the top control buttons no longer display over the top of the zoomed out Home screen preview.
- A long-standing issue where dock would sometimes display at the wrong height after unlocking the device from the lock screen.
- Some Quickbar icons extracted from an app sometimes being incorrectly colored.
- Issue where a custom icon that was removed would sometimes be used again after the app restarts.
- Crash when using Quickedit with 100+ icon packs.
- Crash first time Plus users re-install the app on Nexus/Pixel devices.
- Certain icons such as Facebook and Messenger displaying in the wrong color on the Quickbar.
Don’t miss:ย 5 Action Launcher 3 Features You Should Start Using
[googleplay url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.actionlauncher.playstore”/] [googleplay url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.actionlauncher.adaptiveiconpack”/]
In my Pixel 2 “At a Glance” widget is not working properly, sometimes weather widget is not showing the updated weather condition.
I’ve to reset the feed settings. After this, the weather is now displayed. Maybe the rest will work.