In this article, you will find out what is Android Instant and how does it help you have a better experience with all applications in the Play Store. Also, you will see the purpose of the Google Play Instant. Later we will show you how to use the instant apps on your Android device and Play Store.
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Google Play Instant for Android Overview
Beginning in August 2021, all new instant interactions and upgrades to current experiences will be published on Google Play with instant-enabled product packs.
Google Play Instant allows native apps, games, and services to start up without being installed on devices running Android 5.0 (API level 21) or higher. You can create these kinds of experiences, known as instant applications and instant games, with Android Studio. Allowing users to run an instant app or instant game, also known as having an instant experience, increases the discovery of the app or game, which leads to more engaged users or installs.
Instant applications and games will only use a subset of the APIs available in the Android SDK and NDK. When building an instant experience, make sure to only seek permissions that are supported.
How Does The Instant Experience Function For Android Devices?
Users can use Google Play Instant by tapping on a button in the Play Store, the Google Play Games app, or a website banner to use an app or game without first downloading it. Ses discovery surfaces are shown in Figures 1 and 2.
When Google Play receives the request for an instant application or game, it transfers the required files to the Android device that made the request. The app or game is then launched by the computer.
There are two types of instant experiences: “Try” experiences in the Download Store and “Instant Play” games in the Google Play Games app.
In the Play Store, you will get an instant “Try” experience.
In the Play Store, a Try now press displays instant sensations. This form of experience is usually a smaller beta edition of the app or game designed to drive installs. Game developers, for instance, can wish to create the first level of their game as an immediate interaction and then encourage users to download the entire game.
Google Play Instant also allows you to include a prompt within your instant experience that invites users to download the full experience to their device.
In the Play Store app, there is an “instant play” full game experience.
Complete games bundled with Google Play Instant are entitled to be displayed favorably on the Google Play Games app’s homepage. These “instant play” games are full-fledged games, not demos. To play the entire game without downloading it first, players press the Instant play button. See Instant play games for more details.
Reduce the size of your app or game to allow instant experiences.
To allow these instant interactions, the app or game must be less than 15 MB in size, but the simpler you make it, the easier it will be for users.
Shrinking the size of your instant application or game has many advantages, such as:
- Increased customer interaction or installation, as well as market growth
- Enabling all instant surfaces, including the Try now button in the Play Store and the “Instant play” homepage in the Google Play Games app.
Some apps have more sophisticated architectural elements, which are described in the following pages. Read the section for that feature whether your app or game includes either of the following elements.
Deep links
If your current software also makes use of deep links or Android App Links, see our guide on how to build app links for a more immediate experience.
Users will opt out of opening links inside applications. This choice is available via the Instant applications menu in the device’s machine settings.
Several points of entry
It is possible to have various instant interactions from the same app or game by having several entry points. A puzzle game, for example, may have two modes: a single-player, timed competition, and a multi-player matchup. You may deploy these modes as separate instant encounters, enabling players to experiment with various elements of gameplay.
Configure a new entry point for each experience you want to have to build these different entry points. For more details, see Include various entry points into an immediate experience.
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