It’s really a definitely a good news for the owner of the international Motorola Droid Razr XT910 as the long-awaited Jelly Bean update has finally started rolling out. You can get the update over-the-air by checking for the update’s availability from device Settings> About. However, you can also update your Razr XT910 to the Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean manually.
Thanks to the XDA member HSD-Pilot who has leaked the JB OTA update zip that you can download on your computer and install the firmware update package via stock recovery. If you have a rooted phone, you can also preserve the root while upgrading the firmware at the same time. The jump to Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean firmware from the current ICS firmware is big jump as the new update brings a host of new features and improvements to your phone. Google Now, smoother and faster UI (thanks to the Project Butter), actionable and expandable notification panel are just a few to name. Besides, the update will also be bringing many other changes. You can view the complete changelog at the official Motorola Portal site.
- Remember that to be able to install the OTA update, your Motorola Razr (GSM) XT910 must be on stock/official firmware without any modification. Make sure your phone is on 672.180.41.XT910.Retail.en.EU firmware version. If you are not sure what version your phone is on, you can check it from Settings> About.
- In case the ICS firmware version of your device does not match to one mentioned above, or ff your phone is not on the stock ROM, you can still get the Jelly Bean update on your device. Download the base ICS firmware and install it on your phone. The update package will then recognize the base and you will be able to install it. Here is a detailed guide how you can install the required stock firmware using the instructions given here
- Do not try it if your phone is on a custom ROM or you have installed a modified boot.img. In case, you device is on rooted stock firmware, it qualifies to get the update using a simple trick.
- Charge your phone to have a decent (60%) level of battery juice.
- The update will not wipe any data stored on your phone, yet we’ll advise you to backup any important data stored on the internal storage of your phone.
- Download the Android 4.1.2 JB update package: (315.5 MB)
- Download the Voodoo OTA Rootkeeper app from the Play Store.
How to Install the Android 4.1.2 JB OTA Update zip:
- Copy the OTA firmware update file to your phone’s external zip.
- This step is for rooted phones only. If your phone is not rooted, skip this step. Update the binary of the SuperSU app on your phone. Open the OTA RootKeeper app on your phone and tap on the Temp Unroot option. Doing this will temporarily unroot your phone.
- Now turn off your phone and boot it into Stock Recovery mode. This is how you can do it: press and hold the Volume Up + Down buttons together. Keep the keys pressed till you see the boot selection menu. Using the Volume Down key, scroll down to the Recovery option and select it using the Volume Up button. Now you will see a screen with a green Android bot and a triangle. Press the Volume Up and Down keys together to enter the Recovery mode. In the recovery mode, use the volume keys to scroll up and down and the power key to select options.
- Now scroll down to “wipe cache partition” option and wipe it.
- Then select “apply Update from external Storage”, navigate to the file and select it.
- The installation will begin now it will take a few minutes to complete, and when it is finished, reboot the phone using “reboot system now” option.
- When the phone boots up, go to app drawer and launch the OTA RootKeeper app and tap on the Restore Root button.
Thus, you have successfully updated your Motorola Razr (GSM) XT910 to the latest Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean firmware. Explore the latest features and enjoy the luxury of Jelly Bean.
What If I Get a Bootloop?
In some cases, your device might not boot properly after installing the Jelly Bean update and it might stuck at bootanimation. If you have this issue, do not panic and do as follows:
- Reboot your device into Recovery mode.
- Wipe data/factory reset.
- The also wipe cache partition.
- And finally reboot the device.
Recommended Reading:
Root Almost Any Motorola Phone with This Universal Root Method
Mine everything was aaright firmware and the phone, but i could update it. nore with root nore without it, nore with factory settings. nothing error anyway i tried it. next i will try rsd lite way.
My system version is 673.94.324.XT910.MERetail.en.06
What am i supposed to do?
Have you got anything for your XT910?
If yes then please let me know.
I’m also looking for jelly bean. The link is dead…. Until this time i assume that OTA update should be available to the 672.180.41.XT910.Retail.En.EU build. Am i right????
Unfortunately, the Mega link works only after 12 pm (Indian time).
hi Rakesh!!! link has the Blur_Version.982.124.14.XT910.Retail.en.EU 4.1.2 build available. is it better to flash android 4.1.2 directly using RSD lite???or should i go with flashing first the ICS build 672.180.41.XT910.Retail.En.EU and then upgrade it to JB with
You can flash 4.1.2 firmware right away. In case you want to update via the OTA zip, follow the instruction given above.
I did followed the above step by step guide it worked perfectly for me. I am from India and Moto XT910 user. 1. i did patched 672.180.41.XT910.Retail.En.EU using RSD lite.
It got stuck initially, but after clearing cache partition all went smooth
2. Patched using motorola default recovery option. Everything went smooth no issues encountered.
I am glad to use, JB 4.1.2
Waiting for next version of OTA update 4.2 / 4.3 update
How did you patched 672.180.41.XT910.Retail.En.EU using RSD lite. Do you have the file
What am i supposed to do?
I wanted to ask you android can do in Romanian? cold and my phone no longer sees half of the screen that can be? you do too, and I’d be glad to help you, thanks
Well then follow the steps above, and I will go, thanks!
sorry 4.2.1
I now have 4.0.4 installed, can you tell me the procedure to install 4.1.2? nothing not affect my phone?, or have problems installing? thank
The procedure has already been described in detail above.
and does not work if you install it as written above?, and I have a problem on cold starts and shaking the image any ideas? thanks
Yes, after installing the above-mentioned base firmware, you can install the 4.1.2 update.
Hi, I have a Motorola XT910 672.180.41.XT910.NonEFIGSRetail.en.EU can update to 4.2.1? thank
4.2.1 is not available for the Moto Razr:
Hi, I have 982.124.14.XT910.T-Mobile.En.EU can i use the guide?
Hi Peter, it is not for carrier branded devices. Sorry.
Thank you Rakesh, do I have an other option?
Hey, it seems you phone already has Android 4.1.2 (Blur_Version.982.124.14.XT910.T-Mobile.en.EU)
Which European country are you from?
its necessary to download ICS for EU or exist ICS its ok??
Yes, you’ll have to install the base firmware first.
hi can i updatemy phone xt910 arab countries (UAE) version to JB Blur_Version.672.180.41.XT910.Retail.En.EU
Yes, follow the guide.
For 3 days that I am using my jb upgraded razr maxx I noticed that the camera isn’t working well. All the shots that i took are kind of blurry. It’s like the camera’s focus isn’t working properly. This is the first problem that i encounter.
marky1029 Good to know that. Keep visiting!
I am now using the Jellybean version, so far so good. I think my phone is more snappy than i was on ICS. The transition is super fluid. I like it much. So far i’m not having any reported issues that they’re reporting. The signal is good. wifi is also okay. I just don’t know about the battery life. I’m still observing. Thank you guys
reems Hi Reems, if you think that we have missed something, you’re always welcome to mention it and help improve the tutorial even more.
Hi, flashing the 4.0.4 EU version as mentioned in the comments did seem to work for me (Indian Razr Maxx). However can I suggest an amendment to the article to include these details? I’m sure it’ll help avoid a lot of repetitive queries, knowing how limited the attention span of people is.
Thank you very much for this tutorial.
DroidViews Too bad it only has USA Band no other bands to be selected. That’s why I can’t use my phone. I think flashing my phone is the best thing that I can do to make my phone work again. ~fingers crossed~
Hmm, then open that menu and try some other band. As for the firmware installation guide, it is the same for all Moro devices. Just download the firmware via the link on the page and try the steps. Hopefully it will be fine.
DroidViews, I’m still able to access it but i just dont know what to do to make my signal appear again. I notice that the link is for droid maxx, mine is a razr maxx xt910. are the procedures the same?
marky1029 Are you not able to access the same menu by dialing *#*#4636#*#*? If no, use this guide and install back new firmware:
I have another problem. This happened last night when I tried playing *#*#4636#*#*. Under phone information > Select Radio Band>Set GSM/UMTS band. I only see USA Band and for no reason i selected USA Band and now I have no signal. I tried hard reset/Factory reset but still i dont have the signal. I think I messed up its radio band. Mr. Rakesh what do you think is the best thing i can do to be able to get the signa back? I’m from the Philippines.
Hi. I just got my Motorola Razr Maxx for a week now and I’m happy with it even if it still has ics 4.0.4. The problem started yesterday when i got my unlimited data sim and i was excited to use my maxx as a wifi hotspot but to my surprise it isn’t working. It can’t share the data to my other devices though my devices are connected to the wifi hotspot it just can’t get me to the internet. The sim card is okay actually my phone can connect to the internet it’s just that it can’t share the data. Now i am thinking of changing my current version (673.94.328.XT910.PSHAsiaRetail.en.03) to the european version you stated above. Do you think the euro version is better than my present version or they are just the same? Am i good with that or you recommend me to upgrade my rom to jellybean? I’m having second thoughts about changing my ics version to jb because i have read several feedback which are not so good about switching to jellybean on this phone like they said it has an unstable 3g and wifi and having faster battery drain. Another question is if i change my rom to jellybean and then i am not happy with the result or the issue that I am presently having is not solved, can i go back to the ics euro version or to the original version that i have? how to do that? I am looking forward for your response sir. Thanks a lot.
Sorry for my english.
Hi, I was having the same tethering problem. I just resetted my phone and it was fixed. You can try that too.
Alternatively, you can download a 3rd party tethering app. Just srarch for such an app and try the one with good user ratings. I use Foxify.
If the above things do not work, you can try Jelly Bean. To downgrade firmware later, use this guide:
I already used Foxfi but i’m still having the same problem. I even used Wifi Tether but it did random reboots so i uninstalled it. I’ll try to hard reset my phone. Hope it works
One more thing sir, Are those reports true about upgrading rom to jellybean? what can you say about the jellybean rom on Razr Maxx?
I did hard reset but still clients can’t access the internet.
I found the solution. Just modify the APN Type. Set it to “default,dun,mms” (without quotes). That will work wonders.
thanks Rakesh for replying to my post I will be needing your help once again when i finally decided to upgrade my rom but for now i’m going stick to ics. 
Hi Marky, I am glad that you’re able to fix the issue. You’re always welcome here.
Thank you for this clear and conclusive guide.
My phone is on jellybean now.
hi i am from india my vesion is 673.94.328.XT910.AsiaRetail.en.03. not rooted i tried installing (672.180.41.XT910.Retail.En.EU) from stock recovery it says aborted can u help me.
Hi, can not find the (672.180.41.xt910.NonEFIGSRetail.en.EU) Base version in your link. My Firmware is (GAS_EMEA_USASPDRICSRTNORD:P018) “nordic” i asume.
If i do not find the base must i use some europe base? (672.180.41.XT910.Retail.En.EU) does this work?
Hi I chcked the links. They are working fine. Download the firmware here:
Mr. Rakesh, my firmware was initially Asia retail, so i followed the steps to flash the europe version and the RSD got stuck at 6/10 system”system_signed). I waited for more than an hour and plugged it out and it went to recovery mode and some how my device firmware was updated to the 672.180.41.XT910.Retail.En.EU . Then I followed every single steps to install the Jelly Bean update, but it says Installation aborted … I have repeated the whole process twice but still the same result. Please help.. Thank you
Hi, by yu description everything seems to fine and I am unable to figure out why you are getting that error. Because the guide works flawlessly as I have tested it myself and you can see confirmation of the users too, I would just suggest you to do things again.
i need to update my motorola xt910 running on Asian retail. Please let me know the procedure i have to follow
Hello! Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
I’ve tried on my Razr, which is 672.180.41.XT910.NonEFIGSRetail.en.EU version, but i get the message “error in /tmp/sideload/ (status 7) “. Reboot again and recover to original version. Do I need the 672.180.41.XT910.Retail.en.EU version to upgrade to ICS?
Thank you!
Install the “672.180.41.XT910.Retail.En.EU ” ICS base firmware first and then install the OTA zip.
Can you flash the EN version over the same NonEFIGS without bricking the phone?
Yes, you can but we recommending cleaning old cache and partition before doing it.
Hi I reside in Mumbai and have and have a firmware version 673.94.328.XT910.AsiaRetail.en.03 . I need to go for JB update since its restricted for Indian users. Should i need to install 672.XX.XX update before going for JB update ? Will it affect my network ability ?
No, it won’t affect any of the functionalities of your phone in any manner. Just install the desired ICS base firmware and then flash the OTA zip.
Do as the guide says.
Hi Sir,
Do I need to root the phone before applying these steps?
thank you for the quick reply, I’ll try it and get back to you about results
Yes downloaded from the link Blur_Version.672.180.41.XT910.Retail.en.EU
I mean, have you downloaded and installed the base already?
This one:
No I don’t. What is it for?
Download and install that ICS firmware base first and then you’ll be able to install the 4.1.2 Update zip over it. See the guide for more details.
hello. will it work on version 673.94.328.XT910.AsiaRetail.en.03? thanx.
No, you phone must have the required base mentioned above. If you do not have that, install it first then try the update package.
I have a problem during installation.
E:Error in /tmp/sideload/ Installation aborted.
What should I do now?
Does your phone has the correct base needed for the OTA update zip?
hello sir.. milion thanks for this..
however i just have one thing troubling me..
Is this official update like we get from motorola by checking system update in our razr?
so.. if motorola release new additional updates then i just can update it like normal?
sorry for my english sir.
my razr is never rooted, currently on ics 4.0.4 asia retail firmware version.. waiting eagerly for your reply sir.
Sorry for the late reply!
The OTA package provided above is official but it requires your to install the European ICS firmware as base.
It is official and so you need not worry about OTA updates.
millions thanks sir..
are you able to manage to upgrade your XT910 to JB version. I am from Mumbai struggling to upgrade my phone. Kindly let me know the steps you followed to upgrade your phone.
Appreciate thanks.
The steps have already been given above and are clear enough too. Just follow them and you will be able to do it.
Hi guys, I have a question. I m on SV: 672.180.41.xt910.NonEFIGSRetail.en.EU .Can i still use ur method ? I ve been trying to find a good explicit step by step guide and this is the best one. Now is it gonna work for me?
Hi Radu, since it is an OTA package, your phone must have the base firmware it is meant for. Therefore, if you want it on your phone, install the base (the link is above) and then the OTA zip.
well when i bought the phone it was on GB than it had the update that came from moto … the SV i mentioned above is the one that came w the update from MOTO. what should i do?
Just read the guide above. I think I have provided everything above. Just follow and you’ll have JB.
after straggling to find the right nonretail firmware everything else worked like a charm …thanks guys …good job. really easy !!! now looking forward to 4.2.
We are happy it worked and you got JB.
Hi,Radu ,i have the same SV like you.can you plaese help me to find the right nonretail firmware .thanks in advance
Thanks, this was the best tutorial on how to do it yourself, and it really worked on my XT910!
We are happy for you! We always try our best to be accurate and helpful.
Hi Guys,
I tried to install the firmware today. Now if you are having problems with the BootLoop after installing the EU ICS, please perform the following steps:
Go to Recovery and then Wipe cache and do a Wipe Cache and Factory reset and try to reboot the device again. I did it and it worked.
Any of you guys having any problems after upgrading the firmware? Heard from other forums that some of the features is not available for the new firmware. And can we revert back to the old ics? Thanks.
You can revert back if you get the firmware.
For me, it is working perfectly, much much more better than ICS….. Go ahead and update it !!!!!
I would like to thank you so much for this article……. I installed the update successfully >>>
Nice to know that it helped you.
It helped a lot actually… Thanks
I will work in Thailand. I has asia retail firmware?
It is not for Asia, but it will work in Thailand.
Ah the link is dead and will it work on
It’s working:
While downloading, exit any torrent client or similar file client thac could download something. Then your download will be finished. But… This is ICS firmware, not JB!!!
Sorry, I did not understand what you mean to say.
Anyways the firmware is ICS and it will become JB when you apply the update.
Sir, I cannot download the full file by using the given by you. It keeps disconnect after halfway. I have lost 2 gb now by using the link. Please provide the direct download link.
Hi, for the past few days my broadband connection is very unstable. When it gets fixed, I will try to.
Sir, Thank you very much for the detailed article. i was able to upgrade to jelly bean. Thanks a lot.
Nice to here that. Satish!
Does it work for india for sure. I am planning to insatll. Please reply me soon.
Your phone must be on this FW version to update:
Sir, My stock FW version is 676.94.328.xt910.asianretail.en.03.
can i update the hand set with the above procedure
The anser lies in the article.
I found your posting very interesting as I have just updated my motorola razr xt 910 to 4.0.4 and I was wondering if I can do a jellybean update or revert back to the old version (before 4.0.4) as after the update my battery life is super short, my camera rarely works, cannot open my gallery and my music player also doesn’t work. My fone now seem close to being useless as I cannot even open Facebook (even after uninstall – reinstall). I would really appreciate any insight, by the way I am from the Philippines but got it from the Middle East (Oman). Please please help me. Thanks in advance.
Try this first: press and hold volume up + volume down then power to enter download mode.Select recovery then power and wipe data/factory reset. Reboot device. Your problems should be fixed.
Will it work in South Africa ? Firmware MERetail.
– 673.94.324.XT910.MERetail.en.06
No, I am afraid.
Ok thanks…. Is there any way to update to Jellybean ? Since Motorola will not be releasing the update here :(.
Why are you so sure?
You can install a custom ROM but for that you will have to root your phone.
I sent them an e-mail and was told the update won’t be coming to SA. I also read it on their website somewhere.
Are you sure it won’t work ? While searching a bit online now I found people (in SA) who have updated with this release and reporting it is working fine, will have to clarify tho.
Well, I believe that as far as the phone models are the same, all firmware work. But here is an OTA package, not the full ROM. Update packages are meant for a specific software version and if you try to install it it should give error.
Anyways, you can try it if you wish. If it installs, it’ll work for sure.
We generally do not recommend it to basic users.
Can I use RSD Lite and AP Fastboot to flash the EU ICS version, then apply the OTA ?
I am unsure however which one is the EU ICS one required by this Jellybean update. Any ideas ?
By checking the firmware version.
In that case, yes.
First of all, Thank You DroidViews for this post. I got my XT910 MERetail up and running on JB. First I used RSD Lite to install the European FW after that my phone was on a boot loop, however I ignored this and continued with the installation of the upgrade to JB, did a factory reset and so far so good. I still need to test voodoo reroot will keep you guys posted.
First of all, Thank You DroidViews for this post. I got my XT910 MERetail up and running on JB. First I used RSD Lite to install the European FW after that my phone was on a boot loop, however I ignored this and continued with the installation of the upgrade to JB, did a factory reset and so far so good. I still need to test voodoo reroot will keep you guys posted.
will it work for india….it has asia retail firmware
Yes, it should.
The above says for European version. how to install the above method for india retail version.
Could please help by details.
The instructions are pretty clear. Install the base ICS first and then flash the JB update
hello. I am trying to understand what is base ICS and how do i pick it?
i got here :
andi do not know what fw to pick.
this is my curent FW : 672.180.41.xt910.NonEFIGSRetail.en.EU
Thank you for your time
Download this:
Hi, guys. Please help, i tried, it is failed. my current version is 673.94.324.xt910.MERetail.en.06. Thank you for your time.
All you need to do to get JB is to read the guide carefully! Anyways, install this first:
How i can install it? Can you give me link(guide)? Thanks
Every thing is in the tutorial above.