The Google Play Edition Galaxy S4 was announced the last month and now it is available for purchase at the Google Store. The stock AOSP flavored version of the Galaxy S4 GT-I9505G supports 4G LTE and features pretty much the same specifications as the regular S4 GT-I9505. Yesterday we shared a couple of apps like the Photosphere camera and Sunbeam live wallpaper and the bootanimation from this new phone.
Since the leak of the unreleased Android 4.3 firmware for the Galaxy S4 GE, the custom development community has been working fast to port the Google Play Edition ROM to the other variants of the device that have TouchWiz UX. HazAnwar from the XDA forum has been the first to have successfully ported the Google edition ROM to the Galaxy S4 GT-I9505 LTE version. If you have this phone and have already rooted it, here is your pass to taste the flavor of the all-new Android 4.3.
Using this ROM will let you enjoy the sense of exclusiveness that is not available to any other Android user. It is a fully deodexed and Zipaligned version that can be installed as a custom ROM and has all features of the stock Vanilla. If you hate the way Samsung’s TouchWiz performs and want to get rid of lag and terrible performance, you’ll love this ROM for sure.The ROM also features the new Photosphere camera along with other AOSP things and performs very fast.
If you want to give this new ROM a shot, download the latest version from the link below and install it on your Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505.
How to Install:
If you do not know how a custom ROM is installed on Galaxy S4, follow the custom ROM installation guide for the Galaxy S4.
I want rom google edition 4.4.2 or 4.3 Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9500 and have him file Contact Person for 3G modem and Internet Packages Subscribed
Thank you sincerely accept
I want rom google edition 4.4.2 or 4.3 Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9500 and have him file Contact Person for 3G modem and Internet Packages Subscribed
Thank you sincerely accept
so what about we that have s4 Activ then? gt-i9295
Hi Roger, you will have to wait for now and root the device first. Always, never try to install a ROM that is not for your phone’s specific model.
But how do i root the s4 active then?..havent found anything for it anywhere
Download the Apk file from here and install it to root your Galaxy S4 Active:
And when are u getting a owne place on site for active so we slso can have the same fun..:)
Pretty soon.
Also see this:
ok its rooted now. thanks.
Q, my battery is draining in 5 hours only. is that normal ?
how do i know whats draining my B ?
With new ROMs it’s usual so wait for some days. Also see these:
i have it and its working fine and wonderful.
can you let know know how can i root it?
i used CF-Auto-Root-jflte-jfltexx-gti9505 but for some reason its not rooting it !!
please help ?
Will this work on the i9300?
No, it’ll not.
When can we expect the GT-I9500 ROM
Just wait, it won’t be much late!
Thanks, I just wanna see how fast my phone will be without bloatware
It’s not only bloats that make S4 slow. The TouchWiz UI is terrible too. I have tested the 4.3 ROM and believe me it is much faster and better.
Hi can I still install The Latest XXUBMEA Firmware Update for Galaxy S4 GT-I9505 and root my device if I upgrade to android 4.3?
It is a custom ROM itself. Install it after backing up your current ROM using CWM.
So I back up my android 4.2.2 then install 4.3 and then install the Latest XXUBMEA Firmware Update
Backup it in CWM on external sd card and install this one. The steps are here:
Ok thank you for your help