Everybody loves to set a beautiful background on his/her phone’s lock and home screens and change it frequently. Being aware of this wallpaper romance, it has always been our aim to share any good wallpaper pack you that we think worth sharing. Here are some 15 high-quality stock wallpapers from Motorola Droid Razr M. The size of the wallpapers in the pack is 1080 x 960 px. Motorola phones have always been known for coming with exquisite wallpapers. The wallpapers from Droid Razr M are no exception to the general perception.
Besides the stock wallpapers, we also have the system dump of the Droid Razr M which you can download from the link provided below.
Motorola Droid Razr M Stock Wallpapers
Motorola Droid Razr M System Dump
Razr M Launcher and Weather Clock Widget
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